Not much news here. I have finished another pair of socks from another Nancy Bush pattern, these are for MyGuy, so they are a bit large for the feet in the photo - mine. I also finally finished shortening the very first socks I made for him.
I managed to read my March tbr book already, Bahrisons. I did not much care for it, though it was not a bad book. It was more of his childhood and less of the store than the title had let me to believe and I found it very superficial.
I got Crystal Soldier from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller and reead it in one go. I am now looking forward to the second one of theses "early" Liaden books.
I have been to my parents last weekend, took a patchwork class, love what I did, but haven't taken a photo yet. More on this when I have a photo.
We are taking a week of vacation time which is much needed if the fraying of my nerves is any sort of indicator...