04 May 2008

Crazy Goldfish orFinding Nemo

Finally I finished another pair of socks. These ones are for me and they are the first pair of plain socks that I have knit in forever. However I was trying the short row heel and am pleased with how it turned out. I still like the dutch heel and so on better, but at least this means I have concured one of my mental hurtles on toe up socks. This pair can serve as a model for where to put the heel. The color is called crazy goldfish or something with goldfish, but I always think fof it as Finding Nemo.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Great socks! Have you seen the socks She Spins Wool has knitted? (I think that's the correct blog) My grandmother used to knit me socks, but they never fitted! I'm not a great knitter, but socks seem like fun.