12 December 2005

Turquois Sweater Cast Off

I have finished the knitting on the turquois sweater and sewn in one of the sleeves. Need to get on with the rest of the finishing work as I think it will look good when I wear it.

Of course I started something new in a New York minute. It's Cutaway by Bonne Marie Burns. Mine will be red. The back is finished and I started the sleeves. The fronts seem "hard" so I am knitting the easy stuff first. Stockinette stitch is perfect for knitting while reading blogs.

Of for a walk/run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kucki! Thanks for your explanation of the cable pattern of the Here & There Cables. I haven't sat down and tried it, but I'm sure it will be helpful.
I am starting Cutaway pretty soon too (as soon as that darn Christmas knitting is finished!)