29 December 2009
Too good to cut Challenge
Found this fun challenge where you are supposed to finally use a piece of fabric that you have saved for "something special" for a while (long while). Sounds like fun.
28 December 2009
New Years resolutions
Yes I know, I am early, but why not start now. I plan to add my reading and cinema going back in the blog, even if it is at times just: read this, saw this.
I finished Carola Dunn's Sheer Folly yesterday and as usual have enjoyed the Daisy Fletcher née Dalrymple mysteries. Even if they are sometimes not much of a mystery, they are always enjoyable.
We went to see AVATAR last Tuesday. I thought the special effects were great (especially in 3D), but the story was nothing to write home about. But not a bad story, just a overly used one. Yesterday we went for the noon showing and saw Planet 51. Great! I am looking forward to the DVD on this as I am sure I have missed lots of puns on other movies, like 2001 and so on.
I finished Carola Dunn's Sheer Folly yesterday and as usual have enjoyed the Daisy Fletcher née Dalrymple mysteries. Even if they are sometimes not much of a mystery, they are always enjoyable.
We went to see AVATAR last Tuesday. I thought the special effects were great (especially in 3D), but the story was nothing to write home about. But not a bad story, just a overly used one. Yesterday we went for the noon showing and saw Planet 51. Great! I am looking forward to the DVD on this as I am sure I have missed lots of puns on other movies, like 2001 and so on.
22 December 2009
Paper cut Trees
Have look at this post on Humble Quilts . I love those christmas paper cut trees. Great idea!
Snow Picture
18 December 2009
The new winter knitty includes a lovely cardigan called Zora which lead me to the designers webpage and there I found Harlow. I really want to cast on for it right now! Not going to happen, but it is on my to do list.
Malabrigo, hmmm: Love of Light? Or Cordovan? Or Lettuce? Or??? Let me know what you think might look good.
Malabrigo, hmmm: Love of Light? Or Cordovan? Or Lettuce? Or??? Let me know what you think might look good.
15 December 2009
Carolina Christmas Layout
Bonnie has revealed the layout for the Carolina Christmas mystery here. I haven't even cut one stripe yet, but I love how this looks!
12 December 2009
Picture of the 28th of November Knit Meeting
08 December 2009
Twas the night in a quilter's house
Twas the night before Christmas, I'm glued to the tree.
I'm wondering what Santa brought just for me.
Could it be fat quarters or a pattern or lace?
Or a quilt kit, I said, with a smile on my face.
And that's when I heard him,
"Hi Santa," I said
"You know....good little girls should be in their beds ".
"I know I should Santa, and now I've got caught.
But I was just so excited to see what you brought."
"Well, let's take a look in this room where you work."
He shook his head quickly, And left with a jerk.
I heard him exclaim as he put it in gear.
"You've got enough stuff, I'll see you next year!"
author unknown
I'm wondering what Santa brought just for me.
Could it be fat quarters or a pattern or lace?
Or a quilt kit, I said, with a smile on my face.
And that's when I heard him,
"Hi Santa," I said
"You know....good little girls should be in their beds ".
"I know I should Santa, and now I've got caught.
But I was just so excited to see what you brought."
"Well, let's take a look in this room where you work."
He shook his head quickly, And left with a jerk.
I heard him exclaim as he put it in gear.
"You've got enough stuff, I'll see you next year!"
author unknown
06 December 2009
Leaking Roof
We found a leak in the roof of my sewing room. Fortunatelly the house administration got the roofers in on Friday after our discovery on Thursday morning. Unfortunatelly we found the leak by wondering about the stain on my new quilt top. Fortunatelly it did wash mostly out and the bit that stayed in, is in a batik and can be sold as part of that fabric. Puh! Unfortunatelly that means that currently no sewing is taking place as we are drying the room out at best we can and wait to hear when and what will be done to the inside of the room. Fortunatelly it did not get on my sewing machine.
So - mixed blessings, but not too bad.
So - mixed blessings, but not too bad.
27 November 2009
Carolina Christmas
The first step for the new Quiltville mystery is up: Step 1. I haven't yet selected fabric. But I willllll.
24 November 2009
Patchwork Weekend

I also took some books for my dad to read and he had already finished one on Saturday evening, so he must be enjoying it.
19 November 2009
Knitter's as avatar
18 November 2009
I love how that looks:
Could do with some of it here.
Could do with some of it here.
13 November 2009
Ishbel grows
I finally have gotten my groove with Ishbel. I am now on my third repeat of the A pattern and nary a mistake in all the lace so far and each caught in the next right side row. Wonder why this is so much easier then the plain knitting was? Probably because it keeps my interest. Of course coughing like crazy at work and getting send home for two sick days helped. I am now looking forward to wearing it!
09 November 2009
Chez Leon
Outside our normal meetings we had a little one in the Café Chez Leon in Singen on Saturday. It was lovely, even though it was very loud. Thinking about that I believe home meetings are more us. It was nice meeting Babblesock and finally seeing Socke again. I am looking forward to the next meeting on the 28th.
My red sock is close to the heel so should get finished this week and then a pair for Bettina's kids will hopefully be done by the next meeting.
Sunday we lazed around and I cross stitched on my Indian lady.
My red sock is close to the heel so should get finished this week and then a pair for Bettina's kids will hopefully be done by the next meeting.
Sunday we lazed around and I cross stitched on my Indian lady.
30 October 2009
26 October 2009
Geta's October Give Away
I have come across Geta's blog lately and she does wonderful work. Now she has a give away. Look here: Geta's October Give Away
12 October 2009

My brother took first place in his class in Hockenheim. We went to finally see what he was doing and MyGuy got a chance to ride with my brother for the instruction rounds and was very impressed and pleased with having had a chance to see the course for himself. Next year he wants to ride for one of the trainings which should be even more challenging. I was mostly cold, but pleased that they enjoyed themselves.
08 October 2009
Mittens almost done
Just a few more threads to sew in and my mittens are done too. These have been a WIP since before I moved two years ago, so it feels good to get them done finally. Of course it is now so warm here (for fall) that even a jacket feels like too much, to say nothing of mittens. Nonetheless, more mittens are bound to appear here as I bought mitten yarn in Backnang.
05 October 2009
Fall Socks done
I finished my fall rib socks, too, but still no picture. Though the internet is back to working.
02 October 2009
Cory Socks done
My Cory Socks are done! No picture as internet and photographs are not working at home. But I am pleased and won't overdye them now.
29 September 2009
21 September 2009
Fall Socks
Having ripped the Ishbel and finished the coupon scarf I cast on for another pair of mindless socks. The fall colors of my other gift ball were just right. So the fall socks live near my TV chair and the Cory socks in my commuter bag. Nicely mindless all of it. Ishbel will be reborn after the wedding.
18 September 2009
Ishbel will likely not survive this weekend. I had problems counting (argh!) in the stockinette area and I have now information from Betty on where she started the lace bit and which rapports, so I am going back and redoing mine. At least the coupon scarf is growing without problems.
I have also cast on the Cory socks from the yarn I got from Cory. In her honor they will be plain socks, I just turned the heel on the first one this morning. At first I seemed to be getting columns of the pink, then I didn't really like the pink. So little that I thought about overdyeing the socks. But now they have grown on me. Perfect train knitting.
I have also cast on the Cory socks from the yarn I got from Cory. In her honor they will be plain socks, I just turned the heel on the first one this morning. At first I seemed to be getting columns of the pink, then I didn't really like the pink. So little that I thought about overdyeing the socks. But now they have grown on me. Perfect train knitting.
17 September 2009
I have seen this on Fillyjonk and could not resist: Rubberducks in Huge and as art. What fun!
14 September 2009
The Monday after

This is how far I have gotten with my Ishbel, just started the first pattern. Aparently I am unable to count and to add the same amount of stitches on both sides of the center. Strangly enough I ended up with everything working.

My "bonus" ball of yarn from my coupon, knit on 7mm needles for a nice loose scarf.

The lovely gifts I received for my birthday: thanks ladies! Dankeschön! Now which one to cast on....
Bodensee meets Backnang

The knitting group Bodenseetreff from Ravelry went to Backnang on Saturday to participate in the first German Ravelry meeting. As you can see breakfast and knitting were combined. After that the "feeding frenzy" for yarn bloomed and every single one of us has made some nice stash additions. Lovely day, great work by the organizers.
As a matter of fact I did not want to come home, not only does Backnang have a lovely yarn shop with lots of different brands, there is a quilt shop and I found 3 book shops just in the inner city. Heaven!
09 September 2009
Julia/Julie Project
Been to the Movies again and watched the Julia/Julie project. I thought it was a nice movie, but the guy we had with us did not much care for it and MyGuy stayed home to begin with. The movie certainly made me want to cook more, even though I am normally not keen on it at all.
08 September 2009
02 September 2009
Quilt of the Month
The international quilt study center has a quilt of the month. This month it is a quilt called Sock Monkey Jamboree, go have a look: Sock Monkey Jamboree.
01 September 2009
26 August 2009
Cake Topper
25 August 2009
24 August 2009
Back to sweater Knitting
I finished my latest cross stitch, at least the stitching part. Now I have to think of how to make it up. Photos once I have given it away.
With reading EZ and all the blogs, especially Fillyjonk's I decided to dig out one of my sweaters in progress. This one is from an older Interweave and I will likely need to fiddle with the neck line, but since I only split the body for the armholes yesterday and am knitting in bits and fits, there is still plenty of time for me to think about it.
This morning on the train, I have cast on the second spaghetti sock, too, so train knitting can continue.
With reading EZ and all the blogs, especially Fillyjonk's I decided to dig out one of my sweaters in progress. This one is from an older Interweave and I will likely need to fiddle with the neck line, but since I only split the body for the armholes yesterday and am knitting in bits and fits, there is still plenty of time for me to think about it.
This morning on the train, I have cast on the second spaghetti sock, too, so train knitting can continue.
21 August 2009
Crochet Cardigan
This Junghans Cardigan makes me think of taking up crochet again. Though not in black and white...
Spaghetti Socks - 1 down
I finished my first Spaghetti-Sock and it weighs in at 43 gramm, with 57 gramm left, so I should be getting a second one too. Puh! I had made the leg a bit longer and gotten worried as they are also a bit longer in the foot being for MyGuy.
19 August 2009
18 August 2009
So I went and did it, starting in September we will go once a week to adult education class and learn a bit of Italian for when we return there. (Soon I am sure.)
And tonight we will go see "Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht" a movie about a German guy who goes to Italy with his Italian fiancee and her family. The book was quite good according to my mother, so we will see how we like this.
And tonight we will go see "Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht" a movie about a German guy who goes to Italy with his Italian fiancee and her family. The book was quite good according to my mother, so we will see how we like this.
17 August 2009
Knitting Meeting
Our monthly knitting meeting was on Saturday, but I forgot my camera, so you will have to go to our hostess's website: Sylvia
14 August 2009
10 August 2009
Quilt Star
We were in Freiburg this weekend and while we went due to needing to go to the dentist I managed to have some S.E.X. at Quilt Star near the rail road station. I bought fabrics for a quilt in a class in November, but it is a very good thing this shop is not around the corner for me. They have all sorts of stuff besides really nice fabric: paintsticks, Tyvek, bag handles and much much more. Not the last time I was there.
06 August 2009
Selbst ist die Braut - The Proposal
Tuesday was Movie Day again and we went to see The Proposal with Sandra Bullock. Nice enough movie, but Hangover wins hands down.
30 July 2009
We went to see the movie Hangover on Tuesday and laughed quite hard. We had seen some stuff on the previews and were happy to find that we had not seen all the good bits. We knew they had lost the groom, but in the movie that came early too, so it was not a spoiler at all. Fluffy, but fun!
26 July 2009
Spaghetti Socks Picture
22 July 2009
Spaghetti Socks cast on
I have cast on Vollkornspaghetti mit Tomatensauce, but ripped it again, and now am doing them without the knotted rib, using a twisted stitch instead. Going nicely. Will soon take a picture.
18 July 2009
Finally a finished object

Finished object after a long long time. These are the socks I started 2 weeks ago at the knitting meeting. They are stockinette stitch as I wanted to get a clear picture of how Betty's blanks would turn out. I love the colors a lot (not that that will surprise people who know me). I have two small balls of yarn left and as I now have two small people in my life: Maja born in January and Liam born in June, I will have no trouble finding a recipient for some kiddie socks.
I am know going to cast on for MyGuys spaghetti socks. As I could not find a spaghetti or noodle socks pattern, I fell back to Barbara Walker and her First Treasury for Knotted Rib combined with broad spiral rib.
16 July 2009
I am currently reading the Origin of Virtue and it is not as dry as I feared. This book is about why humans (and other organisms) cooperate and how this can be explained. Not sure if it is still up to date on all the science, but still fodder for thought. On the other hand it is not exciting enough to keep my nose in it the whole commute, so my socks are slowely growing, too.
Yesterday we were at the movies where we watched Pelham 123. I always love Denzel Washington, but thought John Travolta was a bit overdoing it. All together a pleasant evening and an interesting movie. If the weather improves we might go see Gran Torino in the open air cinema on Friday.
Yesterday we were at the movies where we watched Pelham 123. I always love Denzel Washington, but thought John Travolta was a bit overdoing it. All together a pleasant evening and an interesting movie. If the weather improves we might go see Gran Torino in the open air cinema on Friday.
14 July 2009
Formula 1 Socks
No not because of the color, but because I knit most of the first one while watching the qualifying and the race at Nürburg last weekend. Now I have reached the heel on the second one, so they should get finished at some point soon. Better start balling the Spaghetti yarn.
12 July 2009
These are the results of our recent knit meeting when we were dying sock wool.
This one does not have a name, but I really like the turquois, so all is well. It is pure wool.
This one I call Sarah Kaye, because it reminds me of those figures in my youth. It contains cotton.

This one is called Spaghetti with Tomatoesauce. Includes cotton, too. This one will likely be the first I knit and likely go to MyGuy as he is a wonderful cook

This one is called Spaghetti with Tomatoesauce. Includes cotton, too. This one will likely be the first I knit and likely go to MyGuy as he is a wonderful cook
09 July 2009
Pattern on Etsy
I really like this pattern that I saw on Etsy: Boca Blessing. Reminds me of recent Judy pattern, though they are different enough.
I am currently on a reading jag and have now finished 3 books in the last week: Bavarian Crisis by Eric Flint, Stepsisters Scheme by Jim Hines and Alcatrez vs the Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson. The first one is the latest installment of the Ring of Fire series and I keep enjoying them. Stepsisters is a new take on fairy tales and having enjoyed Jim's Goblin books I am pleased that I liked this one too, though the cover art is bad. Alcatrez is a youth book and I have preordered the second one, so antother enjoyable read.
This morning I have taken up The Origin of Virtue which should prove more of a challenge as it is a non-fiction book on why humans cooperate. I have only read the preface so far, as I decided to knit a bit on my socks during the second leg of my commute.
This morning I have taken up The Origin of Virtue which should prove more of a challenge as it is a non-fiction book on why humans cooperate. I have only read the preface so far, as I decided to knit a bit on my socks during the second leg of my commute.
29 June 2009
11 June 2009
09 June 2009
15 May 2009
08 May 2009
International Quilt Study Center
The May Quilt speaks to me: those colors and I just love the prickly curves.
24 April 2009
For the German Speakers
Wir brauchen dafür besondere Sachen? Zum Kritzeln?
23 April 2009
Bumble Beans: Challenge#links
This is such a fun idea, I would like to do that:
Bumble Beans: Challenge#links
Bumble Beans: Challenge#links
4 years
21 April 2009
Easter Chicks
Look what San did for easter: http://angelsan.blogspot.com/2009/04/after-words-pictures.html
I might yet convert to the cute side with those.
I might yet convert to the cute side with those.
08 April 2009
This is a link on how to make roses out of strips of knit fabric like T-shirts: http://sewtakeahike.typepad.com/sewtakeahike/2009/03/knit-rose-tutorial.html#comments
03 April 2009
I have started a pair of Mojos, but am not sure if I will make them same or different. They are going to be for MyGuy.
02 April 2009
Card Holder Link
This is a link to a three dimensional flying geese quilt that can be used as card holder. An idea for christmas.
29 March 2009

We missed Cory and hope she is feeling better soon. Sylvia and Britta were also absent and missed.
MyGuy had a field day with the ladies and his new lamp and made portraits from everyone. Much hilarity ensued, but everyone thought her photo was okay.
Ladies, I hope I can make it next time!
Hat Redo
26 March 2009
Tiger Socks finished
24 March 2009
Train Socks done
20 March 2009
If I catch whomever ordered snow for the first day of spring all hell will break loose! I want some spring here.
I guess I am cranky because I had the flu and could not sew. I did knit a bit on my two socks in progress, the train and the TV sock and they are both approaching the heel of the second sock, so photos and completed pairs may yet happen this month.
I guess I am cranky because I had the flu and could not sew. I did knit a bit on my two socks in progress, the train and the TV sock and they are both approaching the heel of the second sock, so photos and completed pairs may yet happen this month.
17 March 2009
Sundown on Lake Constance

I have cut the purple pieces for Jared takes a Wife (at least I think I have) and am looking forward to some time with the sewing machine.
I might have to wait a bit longer as it seems I have caught the flu that MyGuy had the whole of last week. Eeek! Did not need that at all.
I bought some additional sheets for the spring season, can't wait to take the flannel sheets off and have some spring ones on!
16 March 2009
Got my patchwork mojo back
but my photography mojo is still somewhere under all that fabric... I finished my stash project from Judy. But too late to enter the draw for the scissors, so congratulations to Sue. I also finished the center of my boy's baby quilt. MyGuy really likes those colors, but it is too small for him. I guess I will have to make a larger orange and blue quilt soon. He certainly deserves one.
But for the moment I have started cutting pieces for Bonnie's green challenge: Jared takes a wife. I always wanted to try a purple, green, orange triadic color scheme and this one might just work. Not sure about the star centes yet, but for now I have cut 360 green 5.5 cm squares. Purple is next: 240 squares and 240 rectangles.
But for the moment I have started cutting pieces for Bonnie's green challenge: Jared takes a wife. I always wanted to try a purple, green, orange triadic color scheme and this one might just work. Not sure about the star centes yet, but for now I have cut 360 green 5.5 cm squares. Purple is next: 240 squares and 240 rectangles.
12 March 2009
09 March 2009
Sewing on the Stash Project
Judy had a Stash Project and I could not resist. I sewed an additional 7 blocks to make it longer and put in the setting triangles this weekend. No picture as it is terribly crumbly and needs ironing. I am trying to decide on the borders now. And I will certainly make it again in bright colors with I SPY centers.
02 March 2009
23 February 2009
05 February 2009
More Poetry
William Blake. 1757–1827
The Tiger
TIGER, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
The Tiger
TIGER, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
04 February 2009
Silent Poetry - a bit late
Herr von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland,
Ein Birnbaum in seinem Garten stand,
Und kam die goldene Herbsteszeit
Und die Birnen leuchteten weit und breit,
Da stopfte, wenn's Mittag vom Turme scholl,
Der von Ribbeck sich beide Taschen voll,
Und kam in Pantinen ein Junge daher,
So rief er: »Junge, wiste 'ne Beer?«
Und kam ein Mädel, so rief er: »Lütt Dirn,
Kumm man röwer, ick hebb 'ne Birn.«
So ging es viel Jahre, bis lobesam
Der von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck zu sterben kam.
Er fühlte sein Ende. 's war Herbsteszeit,
Wieder lachten die Birnen weit und breit;
Da sagte von Ribbeck: »Ich scheide nun ab.
Legt mir eine Birne mit ins Grab.«
Und drei Tage drauf, aus dem Doppeldachhaus,
Trugen von Ribbeck sie hinaus,
Alle Bauern und Büdner mit Feiergesicht
Sangen »Jesus meine Zuversicht«,
Und die Kinder klagten, das Herze schwer:
»He is dod nu. Wer giwt uns nu 'ne Beer?«
So klagten die Kinder. Das war nicht recht -
Ach, sie kannten den alten Ribbeck schlecht;
Der neue freilich, der knausert und spart,
Hält Park und Birnbaum strenge verwahrt.
Aber der alte, vorahnend schon
Und voll Mißtraun gegen den eigenen Sohn,
Der wußte genau, was damals er tat,
Als um eine Birn' ins Grab er bat,
Und im dritten Jahr aus dem stillen Haus
Ein Birnbaumsprößling sproßt heraus.
Und die Jahre gingen wohl auf und ab,
Längst wölbt sich ein Birnbaum über dem Grab,
Und in der goldenen Herbsteszeit
Leuchtet's wieder weit und breit.
Und kommt ein Jung' übern Kirchhof her,
So flüstert's im Baume: »Wiste 'ne Beer?«
Und kommt ein Mädel, so flüstert's: »Lütt Dirn,
Kumm man röwer, ick gew' di 'ne Birn.«
So spendet Segen noch immer die Hand
Des von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland
Theodor Fontane
Ein Birnbaum in seinem Garten stand,
Und kam die goldene Herbsteszeit
Und die Birnen leuchteten weit und breit,
Da stopfte, wenn's Mittag vom Turme scholl,
Der von Ribbeck sich beide Taschen voll,
Und kam in Pantinen ein Junge daher,
So rief er: »Junge, wiste 'ne Beer?«
Und kam ein Mädel, so rief er: »Lütt Dirn,
Kumm man röwer, ick hebb 'ne Birn.«
So ging es viel Jahre, bis lobesam
Der von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck zu sterben kam.
Er fühlte sein Ende. 's war Herbsteszeit,
Wieder lachten die Birnen weit und breit;
Da sagte von Ribbeck: »Ich scheide nun ab.
Legt mir eine Birne mit ins Grab.«
Und drei Tage drauf, aus dem Doppeldachhaus,
Trugen von Ribbeck sie hinaus,
Alle Bauern und Büdner mit Feiergesicht
Sangen »Jesus meine Zuversicht«,
Und die Kinder klagten, das Herze schwer:
»He is dod nu. Wer giwt uns nu 'ne Beer?«
So klagten die Kinder. Das war nicht recht -
Ach, sie kannten den alten Ribbeck schlecht;
Der neue freilich, der knausert und spart,
Hält Park und Birnbaum strenge verwahrt.
Aber der alte, vorahnend schon
Und voll Mißtraun gegen den eigenen Sohn,
Der wußte genau, was damals er tat,
Als um eine Birn' ins Grab er bat,
Und im dritten Jahr aus dem stillen Haus
Ein Birnbaumsprößling sproßt heraus.
Und die Jahre gingen wohl auf und ab,
Längst wölbt sich ein Birnbaum über dem Grab,
Und in der goldenen Herbsteszeit
Leuchtet's wieder weit und breit.
Und kommt ein Jung' übern Kirchhof her,
So flüstert's im Baume: »Wiste 'ne Beer?«
Und kommt ein Mädel, so flüstert's: »Lütt Dirn,
Kumm man röwer, ick gew' di 'ne Birn.«
So spendet Segen noch immer die Hand
Des von Ribbeck auf Ribbeck im Havelland
Theodor Fontane
25 January 2009
Finally a photo of y latest socks
12 January 2009
Knitting Sheep
I just came across this page with free patterns and just loved the knitting sheep. The rest of the stuff is not so much my taste.
11 January 2009
Socks the first FO of 2009
A second pair is on my feet now, they were knit around this one, with one sock before and one after the traveling pair. They are very colorful and another pair of "Sti-Nos" (stockinette socks). No picture yet, I am behind with photo taking.
09 January 2009
Stars and Bars
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